For over 30 years, Diane has served the dairy farmers of New England.
She graduated from Syracuse University and their Coordinated Undergraduate Program in Dietetics with a Bachelor of Science in Clinical Nutrition with a specialization in Gerontology. She started her career at New England Dairy right out of college in the New Hampshire office. She transferred to Western MA in 1989. A passionate supporter of dairy, she has worked with schools, health professionals and the media (including her monthly Nutrition News Reports that aired for over 13 years across Western MA and Southern Vermont). Currently she helps manage Youth Wellness outreach in schools across the region.
Her love of dairy started early. Raised on a 600-acre dairy farm in New York state, she grew up living the dairy story. She knows first-hand the hard work, dedication and grit it takes to be a dairy farmer. Some of her earliest memories are handing out yogurt and cheese samples at the New York State Fair.
Diane lives with her husband in the Berkshires of Western MA. Recent empty-nesters, they enjoy visiting their children in Ohio and Virginia…and rediscovering what life was like “before the kids.”