
School Cafeteria & Classroom

Milk is a Local Food- Poster

The poster describes how milk is a local food the process it goes through from cow to school.

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Materiales en Español, School Cafeteria & Classroom

La Leche es un Alimento Local (Milk is a Local Food)- Poster

Este cartel describe cómo la leche es un alimento local y el proceso por el que pasa para llegar de la granja a la escuela.

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School Cafeteria & Classroom

Drink Milk- Poster

Poster highlights how milk helps your body.

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Materiales en Español, School Cafeteria & Classroom

Toma Leche (Drink Milk)- Poster

El póster describe cómo la leche ayuda a tu cuerpo.

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School Cafeteria & Classroom

Build a Healthy Lunch- Poster

Poster describes how to build a healthy and reimbursable lunch.

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Materiales en Español, School Cafeteria & Classroom

Construye tu Almurezo Saludable (Build a Healthy Lunch)- Poster

El póster describe cómo preparar un almuerzo saludable y reembolsable.

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All Resources, School Cafeteria & Classroom

Level Up Your Meals with Milk- Poster

See how milk boosts the nutrition of school meals. Letter-size version for download or order full size poster

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Materiales en Español, School Cafeteria & Classroom

Sube de Nivel a tu Comida Con la Leche (Level Up Your Meal with Milk)- Poster

Vea cómo la leche potencia la nutrición de las comidas escolares. Versión tamaño carta para descargar o pedir póster en tamaño completo.

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All Resources, School Cafeteria & Classroom

Real Milk: Unleash the Power-Poster

Highlights how other beverages stack up to milk’s nutrition. Letter-size version for download or order full size poster.

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New England Dairy