Dairy Foods Help People Thrive Across the Lifespan
The 2020-2025 Dietary Guidelines for Americans recognizes that dairy foods play an important role in healthy eating patterns from infancy through adulthood.
Download NowThe 2020-2025 Dietary Guidelines for Americans recognizes that dairy foods play an important role in healthy eating patterns from infancy through adulthood.
Download NowLactose intolerance is manageable so you won’t miss out on the essential nutrients found in milk, cheese and yogurt.
Download Now Order by MailLa intolerancia a la lactosa es manejable, así es que podrá obtener todos los nutientes esenciales que se encuentran en la leche, el queso y el yogur.
Download Now Order by MailThe poster describes how milk is a local food the process it goes through from cow to school.
Download Order by MailEste cartel describe cómo la leche es un alimento local y el proceso por el que pasa para llegar de la granja a la escuela.
Download Order by MailPoster highlights how milk helps your body.
Download Order by MailEl póster describe cómo la leche ayuda a tu cuerpo.
Download Now Order by MailPoster describes how to build a healthy and reimbursable lunch.
Download Order by MailEl póster describe cómo preparar un almuerzo saludable y reembolsable.
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