Our Blog

Gut Check Time – How’s Your 2022 Diet Holding Up?

From pescatarian to intermittent fasting to flexitarian – Google the words ‘nutrition advice’ and you’ll be bombarded with endless articles about the latest diets, health...

Lactose Intolerance Recipes for Dairy Lovers

February is Lactose Intolerance Awareness Month. Learn how you can still enjoy dairy foods and the health benefits that come with them even if you're...

We Heart Healthy Dairy

Valentine’s Day is a day to celebrate our loved ones with chocolate, candy, and cheesy cards, but it also falls in the middle of American...

Refuel With Chocolate Milk After a Run

Chocolate milk is an ideal post-workout beverage because it contains the right mix of protein and carbs, scientifically shown to refuel exhausted muscles. Drinking chocolate...

Branched Chain Fatty Acids and Your Health

Branched-chain fatty acids are an underexplored area of nutrition that can have potentially great biological and health benefits. In this blog you’ll learn: What branched-chain...

Potatoes and Dairy Make the Perfect Pair

August 19th is National Potato Day. Whether boiled, baked, mashed, roasted, or fried, potatoes are a staple ingredient in a variety of cultures and cuisines....

Fermented Dairy and
Women’s Bone Health

Fermented dairy products are often popular among those looking to improve gut health. These products, like yogurt and buttermilk, may have other benefits as well....

Cow Milk vs. Plant-Based Milk: What’s the Difference?

Learn how dairy milk compares to plant-based milks in terms of protein, vitamins, minerals, effects on human health, and cost.

Smoothie Recipe Roundup

Nothing hits the spot like an ice cold smoothie on a summer day. We’ve created home versions of our Dairy Good Smoothie recipes for schools...

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