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Why a Post-Exercise Smoothie Works

Whether it’s exercising in the heat or a high-intensity workout, my stomach doesn’t feel too great after exercising.

What Milk To Drink After A Workout: Chocolate Milk vs. White Milk

Dietitians working in sports nutrition know that chocolate milk has an optimal ratio of carbohydrate to protein.

Fuel up to play 60 advisors

FUTP60 Program Advisor Profile: Meet Wareham’s Nichole Stahmer

Get to know local Fuel Up to Play 60 program advisor Nichole Stahmer from Wareham, MA. She shares best practices and tips for a successful...

yoghurt with blueberries

The Power of Probiotics

Normally, the kitchen isn’t a place you would want to invite bacteria into. But some bacteria are important for fermentation that creates delicious foods like...

The Edible Skeleton: What’s in Your Glass is Good for Your Bones

Learn what makes up your skeleton, why calcium and vitamin D are a winning pair, and what to eat and drink for strong bones.

woman deadlifting

Lift Weights?
Here’s What to Eat

Depending on the athlete’s gender, body weight, age, exercise goals, eating preferences, and health, the recovery meal will be different.

ricotta and hard cheese

Full-Fat Dairy & Saturated Fat

It was only a matter of time until whole fat dairy became a part of the conversation.

Football, chips and beer with football field in background

3 Recipes for Sunday’s Big Game

This Sunday, at least one of your friends will be hosting a football-viewing party in their living room. Watching sports plays with our emotions as...

Why Milk is my Backbone

We are so proud of our New England Dairy & Food Council intern Elle Purrier who just returned from the U.S. Trials for the 3,000-meter steeplechase. Purrier is...

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