Our Blog

How This Farmer Found Balance in His Heart and on His Farmland

We all have places we’ve been that stick with us because they bring about a sense of peace and balance. When we recall these places...

Looking Back 100 Years with Belden Farmstand

As New England Dairy celebrates 100 years, we are looking back at how the agricultural landscape in New England has evolved. The Williams family of...

How a Dairy Farm Tour Expanded my View on Dairy

Adorable animals, delicious dairy products, welcoming dairy farmers, and a learning experience like no other. As a dietetic intern at the University of New Hampshire,...

Dairy Cows – The Ultimate Recyclers

Got…Beer? You might be wondering what milk and beer have in common, but dairy farms and breweries actually have a unique relationship that helps eliminate...

Farmer Using Drone

Technology: Helping to
Feed our World

From your cotton t-shirt, to the milk on your cereal, to the ethanol gas in your car, our lives are powered by agriculture.

A “Whey” Cool Day on the Farm with Whitin Elementary and New England Patriots’ Derek Rivers

What happens when you combine a group of Fuel Up to Play 60 student leaders, a dairy farmer and a New England Patriots player? You...

Cow enjoying snowfall

Just Chillin’– Keeping Dairy Cows Comfy in the Winter

New England winters may have us all longing for the Caribbean, but for the region’s dairy cows, well, they’re real troopers when it comes to...

Winter Dairy Farming |
A Chilly Affair

Johanna Laggis of Laggis Farm LLC is our guest blogger this week. Read on to learn about the importance of cow care in the winter. It...

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