Our Blog

straws on picnic table

Celebrating Summer with Adult Dairy Beverages

It’s summer in New England, finally! While the kids are splashing in the pool, the adults may like a splash of a different kind—adult beverages.

creme catalana

Love What’s Real | The Power of Dairy in Cooking

There is just something so wonderfully uncomplicated about cow’s milk, cheese and yogurt.

Hold Your Own School Pizza Challenge

Last April we held our first-ever pizza challenge at Martin Kellogg Middle School in Newington, Connecticut. One afternoon after school, our group of Fuel Up...

younger couple looking at milk in dairy aisle

Six Food Label Claims That Don’t Mean What You Think

It seems like food labels are more crowded than ever with statements about what is and isn’t in food.

St. Patrick's Day Recipes

St. Patrick’s Day Recipes

One of my favorite days of the year is less than a week away…St. Patrick’s Day! Whether you’re Irish or not, St. Paddy’s is a...

Maple Syrup Biscuits: Classic Vermont Maple Syrup Dessert

Maple desserts are a staple in a Vermonter’s diet. As a kid, we would often have maple biscuits. It doesn’t sound that exciting, but it...

coquito with cinnamon and holly

Pistachio Coquito Recipe: Try This Puerto Rican Christmas Tradition

Puerto Rico has the longest Christmas celebration, it begins Thanksgiving Eve and continues into the middle of January.

Ideas for Getting Involved & Giving Back to Your Local Community

The holiday season often inspires us to give back to our communities by donating our time and efforts with local organizations.

Holiday Traditions, Dairy Farm Style!

We would like to share with you a peek into holiday time on this Connecticut dairy farm.

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