The Adopt a Cow Program is a year-long virtual experience for students to care for a calf and interact with a local dairy farmer. Three...
Water usage on farms is always an important consideration. Water is a vital resource on New England’s dairy farms for the many roles it plays,...
There's no shortage of tasks on a working dairy farm, especially during the summer. Much of summer cow care is focused around making sure cows...
This week is National Ag Week which celebrates not only the contributions of agriculture to society and the economy, but also the farmers who make...
The crops have been harvested for the year, and the cows are tucked into the barns. So, what does winter farming look like in New...
Cows have their own nutritionists who help feed them what they need. Just as with people, it is essential that cows eat a balanced diet...
Dairy farming is a 365-day-a-year job. We chat with a Vermont dairy farmer about animal comfort and winterizing the farm for New England winter weather.
Visiting Barstow’s Longview Dairy Farm and Bakery transformed my perspective on what “local” really means, not only as a former Springfield Public Schools student, but...
Providing exceptional calf care is the foundation of life on a dairy farm. For a cow to grow into a healthy, productive member of the...