Building Trust & Driving Dairy Sales

New England Dairy is committed to making every drop count on behalf of dairy farmers across our five-state region.

Our team of registered dietitians and marketing professionals develop innovative programs and resources to build consumer confidence and drive sales for New England dairy products. For over a century, our efforts have been rooted in our local communities, collaborating with trusted partners to maximize the effectiveness of your checkoff dollars.

This section offers insights into how we can support you in promoting dairy, preparing for on-farm events, and sharing your story with consumers.

Contact Farmer Relations

Learn more about how we support farmers across our region, or connect with us to learn more about your checkoff investment and how to get involved in dairy promotion.  

Farmer Relations Manager: Elicia Pinsonault
Phone: 617-380-3941

General questions:


Sign up for our farmer newsletter

Our farmer newsletter provides checkoff news and resources for New England dairy farmers.

New England Dairy