paul-lin dairy family
Bakersfield, VT

Paul-Lin Dairy

Just a stone’s throw from the Canadian border, Paul-Lin Dairy is home to a herd of 45 registered Jersey cows.

These ladies are rich with butterfat, the delicious component most needed in the cheese making process.

Paul-Lin Dairy was established in 1983 when Paul and Linda Stanley, decided that a farm setting and lifestyle was the way they wanted to raise a family.  Both grew up on family operated dairies and knew firsthand the value of being a farm kid with the daily lessons of responsibility and hard work.  Their daughters Claire and Ellen grew up on the farm learning the lessons of life while scraping, shoveling, lifting, lowering and cleaning all around the farm.

Ellen now works and lives off the farm, while Claire remained.  She couldn’t tear herself away from the lifestyle, setting, and love for her animals.  “Each cow has a name and a unique personality – there’s the Grand Old Dames, Pippen and Permian, two 10-year-old’s who bring up the rear and keep the rest of the herd in line,”  explained Claire, “Summit, a sweet heifer who loves a good scratch behind her left ear… Placid, the feisty cow who does not act as her name implies she might.”

Lin at farmjersey cow

Learn more about how the Stanley family cares for their cows

“The cows are well-fed and well-cared for, and that’s what it takes to produce a quality dairy product.” - Paul Stanley

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New England Dairy