New England Dairy’s 2021 Annual Report

Jenny Karl, MS, RD | CEO, New England Dairy| View Author Bio

I’ve been honored to serve as your CEO and want to thank you for all you do to support our organization and share your passion for dairy promotion.

2021 was another year of stops, starts, and being ready for anything. Flexibility continued to be a key factor to our success as we set measurable goals and prepared back-up plans A, B, and C to achieve them.

You’ll see in this annual report how our staff simplified and tailored our offerings in schools, based on supply chain and labor challenges our school nutrition partners were facing. Virtual and digital opportunities to reach our key audiences continued to show growth and demonstrate positive perception changes. We maintained a positive company culture, despite “the great resignation” around us, due to the passion and dedication of our staff to our mission to serve dairy farmers.

Thank you for your interest and support of dairy promotion and, as always, we would love to hear your feedback and connect with you.

Read New England Dairy’s 2021 Annual Report

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