NED Grants Support Farmers with Dairy Promotion at the Local Level

Elicia Pinsonault| View Author Bio

New England Dairy encourages farmers and dairy-focused groups to engage with consumers in their local communities through our Dairy Promotion Grant Program. Grants can be used for local promotion activities to grow trust in dairy and increase consumption of dairy products. Farmers and dairy groups can apply for up to $2,400 in funding each year, and applications are evaluated based on project goals, target audiences (including Gen Z and millennial moms), and alignment with eligibility criteria.

New England Dairy has awarded more than $35,000 in grant funding to support over 20 farmer-led dairy promotion activities within their communities this year. This is a 43 percent increase in the number of promotion activities compared to last year.

Below is a sample of some of the events that took place in 2023 thanks to dairy promotion grants:

Open Farm Day at Newmont Farm (Vermont)

Newmont Farm’s open farm day is all about dairy education. Over 1,000 people attend the event each year. Guided tours, including a stop in the milking parlor, provide participants an opportunity to see a working dairy farm in action and to get their questions answered by the farm family. Geared toward young families, the event is a great way to share information about milk’s safety and how farmers work to produce a high-quality product.

Bringing Dairy to Schools with Bree-Z-Knoll Farm (Massachusetts)

This farmer is often asked to bring a calf to events, including those in schools, but did not have the resources to do so and relied on borrowing equipment from other farmers. Their dairy promotion grant will be used to purchase a transport crate, a portable self-standing pen, and a cooler to hold milk samples.

Summer Camps for Youth at Fairholm Farm (Connecticut)

Over the course of four weeks, these farmers welcomed children to the farm to learn more about what it means to be a farmer, how farmers care for their animals, and what it takes to run a dairy farm. The camps are hands on and targeted for youth ages six to 12 years old. On the last day of camp, families join the children and enjoy a picnic on the lawn followed by an ice cream social before the children head off to help guide the tour of the farm they just spent the past week exploring.

Open Farm Day at MacGlaflin Farm (New Hampshire)

MacGlaflin Farm opened their doors to the community, offering an inside look at dairy farming. More than 600 people attended the event, which included a mobile ice cream truck, farm tours, and more.

Interested in learning more about Dairy Promotion Grants and applying for your own? Learn more here or contact our Farmer Relations Manager Elicia Pinsonault.

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