Celebrating National Dairy Month

Kiley Cairns | Digital Marketing Manager| View Author Bio
young girl with glass of milk

During National Dairy Month in June, we are celebrating the joy of real dairy through social media, educational resources, and events.

Here are a few of the ways we’re telling the dairy story this month: 

  • We worked with DMI and four dairy farmers across New England to create content for a social media video that celebrates the next generation of farmers and the contributions they make in their communities.
  • The TJ Show Podcast:  This June & July, we are partnering with podcaster and former radio host TJ Taormina on an 8-week sponsorship.  Throughout the sponsorship, TJ will share personal and authentic messages each week highlighting why he and his family choose real dairy. As part of this program, TJ took a virtual farm tour on Whittier Farm hosted by Sam Whittier. TJ has a loyal fan base primarily in Boston, with listeners spanning across New England and New York.
  • @CTDairyGals from Elm Farm in CT will be taking over New England Dairy’s Instagram on Friday, June 18th. They will show consumers a day in the life on their family’s dairy farm, answer questions, and connect a younger generation to agriculture.  
  • We will share new videos based on our Maximize your Milk handout where our interns creatively show different ways to use extra milk. 
  • New England Dairy is hosting a Game Day youth leadership summit on June 9th for students in grade 5 and older to celebrate dairy’s contributions to health, communities, and the planet.  This virtual event will be jampacked with fun learning activities, cooking demonstrations, and movement breaks. Special guests will join us throughout the event, including New England dairy farmers, an NFL football player, Patriots cheerleaders and more. 
During National Dairy Month, we encourage you to get involved on social media and share the dairy story with the following tools:
  • For the cafeteria: Boost breakfast and lunch participation with these inspiring dairy recipe bowl ideas that use yogurt, ricotta, and cottage cheese.  Add your favorite fruit, vegetable, and whole-grain topping (many that can be locally sourced) to complete the bowl.  
  • For the classroom: Our New England Dairy Innovation Kit educates students about where their food comes from and how food choices affect the health of their bodies, communities, and the planet. This kit wasdeveloped to help teachers educate students and bring these concepts “home” and open the conversation about how dairy fits in a sustainable food system. Thiskitis a digital resource designed to use in both virtual and in-personsettings and is appropriate for all secondary level students.  
  • For the community:  Visit a New England Dairy Farm virtually! Our selection of Virtual Farm Tour recordings can help your students make a personal connection to a New England dairy farmer from the comfort of your own classroom or home. Pair it with our NEW dairy-focused activity book featuring eight educational activities for younger students to make it even more interactive.  

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