Feeding Our Local Communities

New England dairy farmers work with community partners to nourish individuals and families in need.

Dairy farmers are an essential part of our New England community. In addition to providing us with local and nutritious dairy products, farmers are supporting school nutrition programs and youth wellness. In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, they were ready to support our neighbors in need.   

According to Feeding America, the nation’s network of food banks, more than 47 million people in the US face hunger and risk missing out on essential nutrients.  

Purchasing and donating milk and nutritious dairy products helps to feed individuals and families while also supporting dairy farmers from our region. 

Dairy farmers, processors, schools, food banks, and other partners will continue to work together to help ensure nutritious foods – like milk and dairy – are available to those facing food insecurity. 

Learn more on how we’re keeping local communities fed below.

New England Dairy Runs the Boston Marathon®

Learn about the Moo Squad and how we give back through the fundraising for the Boston Marathon®.

Learn More


Make the Most of Your Dairy HandoutA handout with tips for storage and freezing dairy to avoid food waste. Download
Food Bank Recipe BookletThis booklet from our friends at American Dairy Association Indiana provides great nutrition information and recipes to enhance the foods provided to food pantry clients. Download
Nutrition-Based Tips for Food Preparedness & Maximizing Your Grocery ListThis blog shares tips for purchasing affordable and nutritious foods that offer long shelf-life. Plus, advice on sell-by and best-by dates for food preparedness, food storage, and reducing food waste. Read Blog
How to Freeze Different Dairy ProductsThis blog post explains how to freeze the following dairy products: milk, cheese, and yogurt. Read Blog


It takes a community. We appreciate our partners who have stepped up and continue to help us get nutritious food and milk to those who need it. We are stronger together. 

Impact & Distribution Models

New England dairy farmers are inviting partners to work together in creating solutions to help nourish households in need. Learn more about our distribution models and their impact.

View & Download

New England Dairy teamed up with Worcester Public Schools, the Guy Family Foundation, and the Patriots Foundation to provide free milk, courtesy of Guida’s Dairy & Dairy Farmers of America, and a weeks' worth of groceries.

Families of the Goodwin Elementary School in East Hartford, CT had their trunks packed with a turkey, all the Thanksgiving fixings and a gallon of milk at the Thanksgiving with the Guys milk and meals distribution event.

Almost 8,000 ½ gallons of milk were distributed to 52 emergency food agencies throughout Rhode Island thanks to the generosity of Stop & Shop and the coordination of the United Way.

School meals prepped for Vermont students in Harwood Unified Union School District.

Worcester Public Schools food service team prepares meals to deliver to students on their mobile meal routes during the 2020 pandemic.

Worcester school community members on-site for the Meals and Milk Food Truck Festival.

100 gallons of milk were donated to Gather, a non-profit hunger relief organization in New Hampshire. Milk provided by Oakhurst Dairy.

Grab and go meals with milk ready for distribution at Anna E. Norris Elementary School in East Hartford, CT.

Portable coolers continue to be a helpful solution for schools to keep milk cold and to transport meals.

Dairy farmer Seth Bahler from Oakridge Dairy in Ellington, CT helped distribute over 300 gallons of milk courtesy of Guida’s Dairy during the Thanksgiving with the Guys milk and meals distribution event.

Goodwin Elementary families showing their appreciation for The Lawrence Guy Family Foundation during the Thanksgiving event.

Local celebrity Paws the Polar Bear from the Pawtucket PawSox helps hand out free grab and go meals at Elizabeth Baldwin School in Pawtucket, RI.

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New England Dairy