3 Ways to Celebrate NH Eats Local Month with Dairy

Becca Story MS, RD, LD| View Author Bio

One of the best parts about August in New England is that we can enjoy New Hampshire foods at their peak freshness and flavor. We enjoy participating in New Hampshire Eats Local Month because it gives us an opportunity to highlight New Hampshire dairy farmers and the delicious dairy foods they produce.

Here are three ways to make the most of dairy during NH Eats Local Month:


1. Plan a local menu for an upcoming gathering or family dinner

Dairy is so versatile it goes with just about anything and elevates the other fabulous foods that come out of New Hampshire during the growing season.

2. Enjoy dairy: it’s local and in season year-round 

You don’t always have to go to a special market or farm to support local dairy producers. Grocery stores may indicate local products on their shelves to make it easier and convenient for you to choose local foods.

3. Learn more about NH dairy farms

This month, join us in enjoying the NH bounty. Learn more and enter the Live Free + Eat Local Challenge. For more information about NH Eat Local Month or where to find local producers, visit NHEatsLocal.com.

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New England Dairy