At-Home Activities and Recipes for Parents and Kids

Author: Clare Roach

It can be difficult finding unique ways to help keep your kids entertained all day. So we put together a list of easy activities (including family-friendly recipes) that you can do with children of any age to keep them engaged and busy.

Cooking with kids is a great way to spend time together, whether you’re making a snack or recruiting their help with dinner. Helping in the kitchen encourages children to practice reading, following directions, and measuring. Cooking also allows young children to practice their fine motor skills. 

Here are some of our favorite recipes to try with children of all ages: 

When you’re done in the kitchen, try out these kid-approved activities with educational elements tied in:

  • Color Some Cows
    • Enjoy eight full coloring pages and see the real dairy farm photos they were inspired by. Or try out the two family-friendly dairy recipes to make at home while you read a fun dairy fact on each page. 
  • Make Yogurt, Make Butter, or Make Ice Cream
    • The front sides of these activity cards provide hands-on “how-to” instructions to make yogurt, butter, and ice cream with ingredients and equipment you can find around your house. The back sides include STEM questions to incorporate education in this fun and delicious activity. 
  • Practice Mooga
    • One of the best ways to get mooo-ving indoors is by practicing yoga, or as we call it, Mooga! Try out these cow-inspired yoga poses to improve flexibility, strength, and your overall mood. 
  • Have Recess at Home
    • Remember those classic playground games from your childhood? It’s time to teach those to the next generation!
  • Backyard Scavenger Hunt
    • You don’t have to travel far to explore and learn about your environment.

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New England Dairy